Sunday, April 5, 2009

Finishing 4th grade for the 4th time

If you have been around me lately you have probably heard me say, "I hate the 4th grade."lol That is because I have felt like I have taken 4th grade four different times with me being first, then Hillary, then Kyle and finally J.D. I will not miss the fourth grade. Sorry to all those teachers out there. Each month we are asked to do a book report not an ordinary book report. One month it was a mobile another month it was a scence in a shoebox and oh my favorite a puppet. Don't get me wrong I am all for education but I do wonder who is getting the education repeatedly. Then there is the big 4th grade county float which has gave me great stress. As a born and raised Grantsvillite it is a known fact that this is a big deal just as the 1st. grade circus was. I asked all of J.D.'s friends how many of them actually did their own float only to get the same repeated answer, "I didn't even touch my float my mom, dad ect. did my float." The real sad thing is for the people that have just moved here and have no clue of the 4th grade float's importance. It is indeed exciting to go to the program and gaze upon these floats only to ohhh and awww over them. Then you come to that one child who's family has no clue of it's importance and it is only obvious that the child was left to their own to create. I am so glad to finish fourth grade for the final Oh and by the way, thanks Kyle for your creative hand in doing J.D.'s float. I guarantee you it won't be your last. tee hee


Krista said...

I am SOOOOO with you!! I was so glad to kiss the 4th grade goodbye I could hardly stand it!

Great job on the float though! Very, very cute! You (and Kyle) went to alot more work than I did. I say they should be required to take the stuff they want to use to school and they all have to put it together there. It would be alot more fair and they might even find that the kids help each other. Oh... us parents! We have all the answers don't we! Ha! Ha!

Congratulations on having it OVER with! Now you just have learning all the states and their capitals to look forward to next year (sorry to rain on your parade).

Wow... I'm a bummer tonight! Sorry!