Friday, March 6, 2009

WoW is MoM spelled upside down

My beautiful mom in her younger days

My favorite family picture

I was asked to speak at an Enrichment night in Stansbury. Brooke Castagno asked if I would take a few minutes and talk about being an adoptive Mother. Her mom, Gaye Shields had put this program together and it was fantastic!! The program was all about moms and being a woman. It was fashioned to fit with Janice Kapp Perry songs. There were segments from a young couple losing their baby to adoptive moms and people who had to give a baby up. Jody Cook talked about losing her mom at the age of 26. The program talked about friends, moms and Grandmas. It ended with a woman who has lived her full life and now her husband (love of her life) was dyeing and she is looking forward to seeing his face again on the other side. I took Hillary with me and she sat in the audience and I had to sit on the stand. We would look at each other and smile then cry all through the meeting. It was such a spiritual meeting and it really touched my heart. After the meeting, the Grandma that talked about having to give up her granddaughter for adoption came and gave me a hug and thanked me for reassuring her of their decision. I am so thankful for the gift of motherhood. I love being a mom and I treasure my children. I am so thankful to be the daughter of one of the most outstanding moms that was ever to be. How blessed I have been.


Krista said...

Oh I would have LOVED to attend that meeting. They were lucky to have you there... you have such a strong testimony of adoption. You are WONDERFUL and I Love You!

Please no more pictures of Grandma... I can't sit in my kitchen and cry all day! :) She was (and is) the best!