Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hillary goes on a blind date

My Beautiful daughter Hillary went on a blind date last night with a guy that Hillary's friend set her up with. He called her again today to see if she wanted to go out again tonight. They texted and talked on the phone all day today. He is 20, turning 21 this year, his name is Scott, he lives in Sandy and he is LDS. He comes from a home with 7 siblings. I met him tonight and he is a cutie. He was the Salutorian (sp) of Cyprus High. It is kinda scarey to let your daughter go out with a total stranger. He seems to be really nice. Call me the nervous mom if you want, yeah she is 19 but you never stop worrying.


Krista said...

He sounds like a KEEPER to me! Tell Hill that Jeff and I are available to double with them if they need a partner... LOL!