Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When your passion becomes an obsession

As most of you already know, Scrapbooking is my passion. I am starting to wonder though if I have taken it a little to far. I am trying to scrapbook everything I
I have learned that you can scrapbook yourself a very nice pair of slippers out of sanitary napkins, yea you heard right. Also if your hem falls out before an important event and you do not have a sewing kit or a stapler you can always use Scrapbooking glue dots. My latest new finding is if you are trying to save money in this awful recession and cannot find an excuse to get a pedicure you can do your own and use those cute little scrapbooking rubons to put on your big toe. Wa la it looks professional to me.... Yes indeed I have lost my mind and heart to scrapbooking...

Scrapbooking Artwork

Treasure Boxes


I am doing a class on how to make these darling treasure boxes. The class is Monday June 8th at 6:30 pm at my home. There is no cost for the class but you are required to place a $20 order out of our New Close to my Heart Catalog. You will also need to bring your own ribbon and embellishments. We will be using the Bella paper packet which colors are Cream Brulee, Hollyhock, Olive and Smokey plum. You will also need to bring a good scrapbooking adhesive. Glue sticks will not work. I only have 4 spots left so RSVP ASAP at Thanks

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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Forever Strong

Forever Strong is the most awesome sports movie out there in my opinion. It is a movie that every young man should watch. It is a true story about the Highland Rugby team and part of it was filmed right on our Grantsville High Football field. In fact you will see a few of our own in the movie such as J.D.'s 4th grade teacher Mr. Thomas and one of the students at Grantsville High, Jason Arbon among others. The fact that I love this movie really has nothing to do about being filmed in Grantsville, but about the coach and the love he had for these boys. I love how he taught these young men morals and standards on and off the field. He taught them that hard work pays off and caring about each other is vitally important in their success. Well I am sure my husband will be reading this and probably has figured out his father's day gift but I had to share with all of you that you can preorder this movie at today, May 5th and tomorrow May 6th for a discounted price. This movie is a definite must for your movie library.